Saturday, April 30, 2011

Connor's "Introducement to the Family for the Bloggers"

Hi I'm Connor my dad is cutting wood right now and my mom is taking my big brother to scouts right now and like usual my little brother is with my dad. My big brother's name is David,and my little brother's name is Brennen, and my dad's name is Jerry, and that you all know my mom's name is Robin.

[Mom note: The above took approximately 2 hours to write. Along the way, we learned how to put a space after periods and commas, where the comma is located on the keyboard, and why you shouldn't hold down the Enter key. Also, that there is an apostrophe involved in possessive "s." Mom has declined to alter Connor's title in any way.]


Claudia said...

Love the "mom note"! So, mom, how about spending 2 hours writing something of your own on this blog? Or just downloading some pictures...we could live with that! :-)

Unknown said...

Or, you can get your Robin fix by reading Robin's blog: :)

Yesterday's post in honor of our 11th wedding anniversary.