Saturday, March 29, 2008

It's David's 7th Birthday!

It's official: we have a seven-year-old. David spent the day hunting rock chucks with his daddy (I think they found a few rocks to shoot at, anyway) and watching movies with his brothers. He got money, toys, and dum-da-da-DUM! a new bike. (Funny how David seems to always get the new bikes while his brothers content themselves with hand-me-downs.) Then, for bedtime, he conned me out of a book (Cat in the Hat), a story (Jaberwocky) and a song (Wheels on the Bus). Good thing birthdays only come once a year!

Friday, March 28, 2008

The Boys

Okay, so Jerry and I aren't that interesting, so I thought I'd start with the boys.

David is turning 7 tomorrow (shoot--I'm getting old!) and is in 1st Grade. He's learning how to read and loves recess best! He wants everyone to know that he likes school.

Connor will turn 5 this summer and will start kindergarten in the fall. He wants everyone to know that he loves football. Connor and David have both memorized all 13 Articles of Faith.

Brennen will turn 3 this summer and still doesn't like to talk. He gets by with grunting, pointing, and that ultra-expressive face of his! He can say partial words (Mommy: I love you! Brennen: Oooo!) but can't be bothered with most of the English language.

Together, they're three little terrors, but we love them!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Under Construction

Okay, so the family blog is a new concept for us and we're not sure how it's going to work or who's going to have the time to contribute to it, but we'll see how it goes! Feel free to leave suggestions for things you'd like to hear about or see here... or suggestions for stuff you found essential for your own blog.