Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Yeah, yeah. I know.

I am hardly what you could call a dedicated blogger. This stems back to my years in school, where anytime a teacher assigned a "log" or "journal," you could be sure I'd fail the assignment. I just don't consider myself that interesting, I guess, and, while my husband and kids are a lot more interesting, you don't see them getting their blog on! (Though maybe that's not such a bad idea....)

Quick and dirty update: we've been back from the ranch since the beginning of the school year in August, siding on our house didn't get done this summer, so we're living in what looks like an abandoned house, and it's too cold for Jerry to work on it this winter. Jerry and I are coming up on our 10 year wedding anniversary in April--the week after I attend my very first ever writer's conference, which is providing all sorts of motivation to actually write my darm book! The boys are doing great, David is in 3rd grade, Connor in 1st, and Brennen is still trying to learn to talk in pre-school. At the rate he's going, he'll still be learning when he's supposed to be starting kindergarten. Jerry has become enamored of another sport of late: ice fishing. He got all sort of ice fishing paraphernalia--including a hut--for Christmas and loves going by himself, with his brother, with his parents, with the boys, or with whoever else will go with him. He has yet to get me to go, since I've been convenienly sick since Christmas. :)

We'll see what we can do about keeping this updated more, but, alas, I can make no promises. Perhaps if I get over my envy of all the cute pictures everyone else puts on their blogs.... Those things take so long to post!