Here's the scoop:
1) We're keeping our house in town because we only plan to be away for the summer and because we're still changing out all the windows and siding on it. And because we might sleep here every once in a while if we're here late working on it.
2) I'm keeping my job because, frankly, the elk ranch barely pays enough for a single guy to live on. We're indulging Jerry's hobby more than supporting his career, here, but there is the chance this will look good on a small business loan application someday.... :) I'll be commuting. Anyone know of any good books-on-tape?
3) We're living in a three-bedroom, 45-foot trailer that has been around since before I was born (I think). Here's a picture:
The "master" bedroom is behind the closest window (on the far right) and there are bunk beds in the pull-out and an identical pull-out on the other side. The bathroom is in the hallway (literally) between the boys' rooms and the kitchen. It's not much, but at least now it's clean. :)
4) And here's why we're doing it:They raise phesants, kittens, and little girls there, too. :) Oh, and Jerry gets to shoot as many rock chucks as he can spot. :):)
We're changing wards, which is sad, but we plan to be back before school starts. Jerry, like Tom Sawyer, is willing to be very generous if anyone wants to come out for a chore tour.... :)
Wow! Very exciting. Sorry we have missed Jerry's recent calls -- I'm going to bet he was calling about this excitement. I'm thinking that next summer I'll be shipping Bryan off to "Jerry Camp" :)
I'll come out for a chore tour anytime!
You're all welcome anytime! There's a little bitty bed in Brennen's room that isn't being used.... :)
Wow I never new you were such a wilderness girl :) I beat your boys are loving it! As for having a chore tour, I'm sorry to say I don't really know where you are at(lucky me)! As for books on tape, have you read Twilight? I just finished listening to it.
Here is a little tutorial on how to delete posts. Go to you HOMEPAGE. Push NEW POST in the top right hand corner. THen right above where you type in the title you will see EDIT POSTS click on it. Now you should be looking at a list of all you post. To the right on each post you will see DELET. Click there and confirm that is what you want to do. Then your posts should be gone :)
Thanks for the tip, Jenn. I'm now going to edit the plea for help from the top of the post. :)
Sounds like a fun summer! There is a website my mom goes to that offers tons of books on tape (OK MP3) for a low monthly fee. She uses them when she walks. Something like that would be great for a long commuter. I will ask her the name of the company.
Wow, you're ... crazy. I'm sure your kids will think it's a grand adventure, though. Good for you for being a supportive wife :)
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