4th of July Lumberjacking

Demolition Derby

When the family station wagon finally reached its last leg, Jerry and Yvette (Jerry’s parents) hosted a family reunion (her side) and we all painted our names on it. Then Uncle Corey, Yvette’s brother, piloted it in the Demolition Derby at the Caribou County Fair. He had a HUGE cheering section. Cor-EY! Cor-EY! Ah, sweet victory. I can’t recall exactly what he won, but it came with two massive trophies that, alas, I neglected to capture on film… er, pixels? I was pleased to notice that our own names on the front passenger door (first picture, first row) were unblemished after all the whacking was over (see first picture, third row). If only we’d thought to protect the hood as well!

Brennen had only been in school for a week or so, but we still pulled him out so he could spend a couple weeks with Daddy. Most of these pictures were taken the one weekend I brought the other two boys up to join the fun. Jerry and his dad each shot a deer, so we’re doing okay for meat, at least. Carl (Jerry’s brother) was there, too, with a bunch of motorized toys. He and the boys had a lot of fun riding (oh—very safely and slowly) around in a snow-covered clearing at lunchtime. After Carl got it stuck in the snow, the boys got off and started throwing snow at Carl, who kept them entertained for quite a while trying to hide from the snowballs. The second picture in on the second row is proof of how very worn out they were after that! Yeah, that’s Brennen on the bottom, with a nice warm Connor blanket.

With hunting over early this year, we actually got to celebrate Halloween as a family! We went to our ward’s Harvest Festival (the week before—complete with haunted house, which the boys didn’t seem to appreciate!) and had a blast. Paula, Carl’s wife, bought us both witch hats and stockings (one size does not fit all, by the way) and we had fun being the Weeks Witches. This was Carl and Paula’s first ward activity as members of our ward (though I don’t think they had quite moved in, yet). Their daughter, Kya, went as Fancy Nancy, which is one of those juvenile books I have no knowledge of, being somewhat lacking in daughters! We borrowed the boy’s costumes from a good friend in the ward, who has a whole closet-full of costumes. David and Connor were there for the selection and, of course, if David was going to be a knight, Connor had to be a knight, too! Good think Brennen was still traveling home from hunting! He seemed to like his clown costume, though—the hair stayed on almost the whole time. Jerry and Brennen got home from hunting just in time to leave for the festival, so he just went as a hunter. :) You’ll be proud to know that the jack-o-lantern is an original design. :):)
We got the call a few weeks ago that Jerry’s paternal step-grandfather, Grandpa Sherm, was soon going to be moving on to the next life. We rushed out to see him and enjoyed the visit immensely. He was a wonderful man, with a colorful history as a cowboy and a huge heart. All of his wife Gloria’s kids and grandkids and great-grandkids think of him as ours. (Especially since he’s been in the family longer than I have!) He passed away in his home the Saturday after Thanksgiving and we laid him to rest the first week of December. Jerry’s gonna make me get him a coffin just like Sherm’s! The boys seemed to handle the viewing and funeral okay, but during the last song in the funeral (O Divine Redeemer), Brennen started (quietly) crying for no discernable reason. Tears streaming down his face, resistant to all the usual tricks to calm him down. Jerry gathered him on his lap and asked him what was wrong and our little three year old said “Mi ga-pa.” “You miss grandpa?” Jerry asked. Brennen nodded and cuddled into daddy for a while. Earlier, during the viewing, Connor went out of his way to tell daddy that we’d see grandpa again. David was also very good and we talked a lot about death and what comes after. All three boys have declared that they have no wish to die. Good! We’ll miss you, Grandpa Sherm!
Whew! Now we’re all caught up and ready to blog about Christmas. Sometime in February. :)
Okay, now I feel bad...I hope my little joke on Denise's blog didn't guilt you into this. That said, I love the 'half a year in one post' strategy - I would accomplish a lot more if I went this route. Cute pics and update :)
Hey--don't feel bad. My posting today had nothing to do with your comment on Denise's blog, Corbie, (which I didn't read until after I read your comment on mine!--funny stuff!) and everything to do with housework avoidance. I wanted to hang my boys' new school pictures, but I couldn't do that (of course) until I'd scanned them into the computer, which triggered an impulse to post them on the side of the blog, which triggered an impulse to get pictures off the camera, which.... Well, you can intuit the rest. :)
I must say, though--this evidence that others notice when I don't blog is a bit motivating. Let's hope it lasts through the next blog-worthy event!
Huh, I would have thought this was in response to Corbie's goading, for sure! And frankly, if her joke did guilt you into posting, all the better!
Thanks for the update - it sure is fun to see your family. With the 1/2 year at a time, you can almost see the kids grow up right in front of your eyes!
Fun post!
Miss Grandpa thanks for adding that. A little teary, and full of love and Gratitude for the Plan of Salvation! Little boys (ok kids :)) are so great to remind us of what really matters!
Yaay!! A new post! Your kids are so big!!! How did that happen?! We loved all the pictures.
I'm glad you finally posted. Yay! Sounds like you've had some fun times this year. I like seeing the boys up close in their pictures on the sidebar.
So glad to hear from you folks and to see the boys (and you two too!) and to know you'll all well and doing alright! thanks so much for taking the time to fill us all in on your last couple of fun months!
Hope you have a fabulous Christmas~!
Love ya!
I just assumed you had actually fallen off the face of the earth. Glad you are still here and actually doing things Interesting
I would try to wheedle you into posting more, but encouraging people to blog more is kinda like an alcoholic trying to get everyone drunk...
I actually forgot about Corbie's comment! What a great post, Robin. You've definitely had a full time of things over the past number of months! Lucky you all got to go hunting, too! We missed out since I was under the knife during the time our tags were valid...no elk this year. Maybe next (2nd or 3rd) season (there are 4 seasons for elk here). I also noticed the flag on the coffin. My sympathies to you all, and my deepest respect to your family for Mr. Sherm's service to his country :)
We sure missed seeing you and the boys! But I hope that you are feeling better. Hey, can you teach me how to do the picture blocks? Me like!
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