Sunday, December 12, 2010

Introducing: Blogging Boys

Note: since Mom is so horrible at regular blogging, the boys are taking over. The plan is to have one of us blog every Sunday. Maybe we'll let Mom blog once in a while....

Brennen and mommy have been sick this week,and Brennen has to stay home from school because he has a bad ear infection and a sinus infection also. So he has to take a lot of medicines.Mommy had a big bump on the back of  her neck so she had to go to the doctor. Connor said his ear was hurting yesterday before a birthday party yesterday so he stayed instead of going, so far everybody else is fine.

Mom's notes:
The big bump is a swollen lymph node. I'm on antibiotics. Brennen has missed two full weeks of school, but is finally also on antibiotics--we have high hopes he can return to school tomorrow....


Melissa said...

I love David's commentary :)

Unknown said...

Thank you!!!!!!!! (David)