Connor turned 5 on July 22. Did I blog about it? Noooo! A few weeks later, we even had his cake. Did I blog then? Noo! Bad mommy? Probably. Aw, keep reading. After you see the beautiful pictures of my beautiful boy, you'll read what he did today on his first day of kindergarten. Then you can judge me.

Connor saw the principal today. First day of kindergarten and he's already a truant.
Jerry took the boys to breakfast at 8:00 am and a little after 8:30 he was walking away from the school with Brennen when Connor comes pealing out of the kindergarten classroom, wanting to give them more hugs. Well, Jerry gave him the natural lecture about not leaving class until his teacher said he could, Connor went back to class, and Jerry and Brennen walked home. Do keep in mind that it is an estimated .65 miles from our house to the school. (Thank you, MapQuest.)
Jerry was getting a movie set up for Brennen when the door flew open and... Connor ran in. Close on his heels was a blond lady, a parent of another child from the school (who had abandoned her pre-school aged child with, it is hoped, a grandparent, back at the school), who was breathing rather heavily and said she had taken up the chase after his teacher gave up a few houses away from the school--totally understandable, as she had a whole classroom full of first-day kindergarteners to care for!
We now know that 1) Connor should be in track--he was fast!, 2) he doesn't talk to strangers--even those running after him, calling out his name, 3) he looks both ways before he crosses the street, and 4) he can find his way home all by himself. All very good things to know. Truly.
Jerry packed Brennen and Connor into the truck and they had a conference with the principal and his teacher... who is, coincidentally, the assistant principal when she's not teaching morning kindergarten. As Jerry tells it, the principal didn't say much and mainly tried not to laugh since daddy had that lecture well in hand. Jerry's first words to me when I finally called as I left the courthouse? "Your son almost died today." (At parental hands, lest there be any confusion.)
The point of this truant 4-block dash? Connor wanted to tell Daddy that he loved him. Again. Also good to know.
Jerry took the boys to breakfast at 8:00 am and a little after 8:30 he was walking away from the school with Brennen when Connor comes pealing out of the kindergarten classroom, wanting to give them more hugs. Well, Jerry gave him the natural lecture about not leaving class until his teacher said he could, Connor went back to class, and Jerry and Brennen walked home. Do keep in mind that it is an estimated .65 miles from our house to the school. (Thank you, MapQuest.)
Jerry was getting a movie set up for Brennen when the door flew open and... Connor ran in. Close on his heels was a blond lady, a parent of another child from the school (who had abandoned her pre-school aged child with, it is hoped, a grandparent, back at the school), who was breathing rather heavily and said she had taken up the chase after his teacher gave up a few houses away from the school--totally understandable, as she had a whole classroom full of first-day kindergarteners to care for!
We now know that 1) Connor should be in track--he was fast!, 2) he doesn't talk to strangers--even those running after him, calling out his name, 3) he looks both ways before he crosses the street, and 4) he can find his way home all by himself. All very good things to know. Truly.
Jerry packed Brennen and Connor into the truck and they had a conference with the principal and his teacher... who is, coincidentally, the assistant principal when she's not teaching morning kindergarten. As Jerry tells it, the principal didn't say much and mainly tried not to laugh since daddy had that lecture well in hand. Jerry's first words to me when I finally called as I left the courthouse? "Your son almost died today." (At parental hands, lest there be any confusion.)
The point of this truant 4-block dash? Connor wanted to tell Daddy that he loved him. Again. Also good to know.
He probably just needed validation of parental love after the way we've been neglecting blogging about him. Poor guy.